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WWWAdmin works, but the password parts don't!

  • Short Answer:

    This is most likely because you do not have the crypt function available to use or the crypt function on your OS us different than the one on the machine I created these scripts on.

    Long Answer:

    Here are some fixes:

    FreeBSD Changes:

    • From: Ron Crisco 
      To: mattw@worldwidemart.com
      Subject: FIXED - WWWBOARD wwwadmin.pl password problem
      The problem was the difference in FreeBSD's crypt.
      The default passwd.txt file (password WebBoard) should be:
      And the wwwadmin.pl file must be changed, too. 
      Three occurrences of
          substr($passwd, 0, 2)
      were changed to
          substr($passwd, 3, 2)

    Red Hat Commercial Linux 2.0

    • I was told by Mark Reynolds that under Red Hat Commercial Linux 2.0 with a Kernel 1.2.13 on a i586 he had to change the password.txt file to read:

    Systems Not Supporting Crypt (Macintosh, Windows, etc..):

    • Near line 521 in wwwadmin.pl, you will see a block of code which looks like:
         $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
         if ($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) {
            open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change);
            $new_password = crypt($FORM{'passwd_1'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));

      Change this to:

         if ($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) {
            open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change);
            $new_password = $FORM{'passwd_1'};

      Then, on line 678 (almost the end) you will find a block of code:

         $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
         if (!($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) {

      Change this to:

         if (!($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) {

      Then, open up passwd.txt (or whatever you renamed your password file to) and change the line from:




      Or whatever you want your new username:password combination to be.

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